
Kook 2....

The new edition from Mr. Crockett is out........ click here to get you mits on it!!


Happy sundays....!

As sundays go that was a pretty good one, washing away the polish residue from Saturday!

The first bit of decent sun in a while, the first bit of offshore in recent memory and a cold tinnie to watch the sunset with!

Hope you all got your fill........

The fruits of Saturdays labour, a 9'6 pin for Jon...enjoy!



A big shout out to all of you who turned out on Saturday for the anniversay at the shop, here's a couple of pics from the day.....

Big thanks go out to Kristine Kahn for bringing some of her artwork along and also to the boys at Riz boardshorts which we are now gladly stocking!

The trailer for the vid will be up online shortly as will the comp to win £200 worth of Seed bounty. (check the facebook page shortly for details)


Handplanes ...........

With the handplanes almost ready for their maiden voyage and the trailer almost in hand! Demo boards in the rack, new apparel waiting in the wings and just a couple of boards to polish....things are all falling into place for Saturday......hope to see you all here!



Quad fish.....

A custom Quad fish for Nick that went out the door at the weekend............