
Odd socks ??

Chris and Katie from Odd socks dropped into the shop yesterday with some of their canvas boardsocks. Here's just a couple of examples of what they can do......

The socks are all handmade from unbleaced sail cloth and reclaimed materials.
We're stoked to have them for sale in the shop, with shortboard sizes going for £40 and for the logs about £45. Thats a bargain for handmade quality and they will even do customs to match your new sled!!!
Check them out at http://www.oddsocks.moonfruit.com/ or drop by the shop ;)


Time for another .........

A custom 9'1" rounded pin just finished for Xay, ready and waiting for it's multicoloured tint!!


Get that friday feeling....

It's that time of the week again and as there's been nothing but mushburgers surf wise and hardly any sun, here's our £10 tee of the week to enjoy; for the ladies .....

Available in cream, aqua and grey.
For the men;

You can grab them from the shop or they'll be online in the morning.......lovely!!


Tee of the week...............

Had enough of the shitty weather? Well, we're gunna try and introduce some rays of light, some colour and warmth into the big grey outdoors with our first 'Tee of the week' of the summer. The tee of the week will run from friday to friday and will be the measley sum of just £10 for guys and girls!! So here it is.....
The holiday tee in ladies;

Available in; Purple and gold, Lime and white, Aqua and white.
And for the guys;

Available in; Cream and brown, Bright blue and white and Navy and white.

So drop by the shop to get your mits on them!!!


Gephart fins for a custom twin....

A bit of fin porn just for you larry!!!ha ha. These will be adorning a special keel fin fish pretty soon!!


And now for something completely different!!!

Following on from Monday's post on the custom 6'4" this is what we got from Josh as the design he wanted on his new fish....
We managed to twist his arm and instead of having it as a standard spray, to have it as a tint and this is what happened..............
Pretty damn close if i do say so myself!!!


Custom Quad fish...

A custom 6'4" fish ready for it's tint & it's gunna be a little bit different!!! Check back at the end of the week to see what we mean!!!!


The Present....

We got our first copies of Thomas Cambell's new vid 'The Present' in the post this morning, along with some other classics...... so get down to the shop sharpish, as we've only got a couple of copies!!!!

And here's a sneaky peak of the vid to get you wanting more!!